19/5/2022  Lag B'Omer

19/5/2022 Lag B'Omer

What is Lag B'Omer

Lag B’Omer literally means the 33rd day of the Omer. The Omer is counted for 49 days between the end of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot.

The holiday celebrates a break in a plague that is said to have occurred during the days of Rabbi Akiva and celebrating the anniversary of the passing of the great sage and mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

Lag B’Omer is the one day during the 49 days of the Omer (considered to be a period of mourning) in which celebration is allowed. Many Jews plan weddings on this date.  The most popular activity on this holiday in Israel is creating a bonfire.

6 Lag B'Omer Customs and Traditions.

1. Light Bonfires

These commemorate the immense light that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai introduced into the world

2. Go to Meron

A celebration takes place in and around Rabbi Shimon’s tomb, located in the northern Israeli village of Meron

3. Shoot Bows & Arrows

Children go into the fields and play with imitation bows and arrows

4. Attend a Lag B'Omer Parade

People attend children’s parades on Lag B'Omer in celebration of Jewish unity

5. Miracle of Carobs

It is customary to eat carobs

6. Day of Joy

Mourning is suspended and weddings, music, haircuts and other activities are permitted


Shop for your Lag B'Omer picnic mugs: https://lc-s.co/6JZtB





